HIGH TECH in historic surroundings

Presentation at FH Joanneum:

“HIGH TECH in historic surroundings” – was the topic of a presentation done by Friederike Prassl and Johannes Schatzer at the Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering at FH Joanneum University of Applied Science. Friederike and Johannes shared their knowledge of and experience with the highly demanding technical equipment that was built into the historic doors of the Austrian Parliament Building. Not only were the dimensions of up to 5m in hight way out of the ordinary, but also the combination of fire protection, automation, security, and access control in the historic doors challenged our team of engineers for months. Eventually solutions were developed and presented in the course of this evening. A high degree of expertise together with an eye to every delicate detail were necessary to restore and upgrade these precious doors. Yet, we devoted ourselves100 % to the project and are truly proud of the result.