KAMPER Whistleblowing System
The legal basis for implementing such an internal Whistleblowing System is the Federal Act on the Procedure and Protection of Information on Violations of the Law in Certain Legal Areas
(Whistleblower Protection Act — HSchG).
Who may report violations via the KAMPER Whistleblowing System?
Persons in contact with KAMPER during a professional activity who have obtained information about the violation of protected legal areas may report such violations via our whistleblowing system.
- This group of persons includes in particular
- employees (active, former, but also temporary employees)
- job applicants
- interns and trainees
- self-employed persons (including freelancers)
- members of the management/supervisory bodies
- contractors and subcontractors and their employees
- suppliers
- shareholders
- supporters of whistleblowers (co-workers) or persons close to whistleblowers who could be affected by adverse consequences without active support (e.g. relatives)
The Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG) stipulates that violations of regulations in the following areas may be reported:
- public procurement
- financial services, financial products and financial markets, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- product safety and conformity
- transport safety
- environmental protection
- radiation protection and nuclear safety
- food and feed safety, animal health and animal welfare
- public health
- consumer protection
- protection of privacy and personal data, networks, and information systems
- prevention and punishment of criminal offences under Sections 302 to 309 of the Austrian Criminal Code (StGB)
The protection granted by the Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG) also covers infringements of laws harming EU financial interests, violations of internal market regulations, violations of EU regulations on competition and governmental support and violations of internal market regulations that infringe corporate tax regulations.
The Whistleblowing System is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information it receives.
The Whistleblowing System protects the whistleblowers’ identity. This protection also applies to persons affected by the report.
The identity of whistleblowers or persons affected by the report may only be disclosed if an administrative authority, a court, or the public prosecutor’s office considers such disclosure to be essential in the context of administrative or judicial proceedings or investigative proceedings under the Austrian Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO — Strafprozessordnung) and — in terms of risk for the whistleblower — is deemed proportionate concerning the validity and seriousness of the allegations made.
The HSchG protects whistleblowers from harassment and retaliation measures (such as dismissal, suspension, transfer, bullying, coercion, and discrimination). Whistleblowers are also protected against the withdrawal of a licence or business permit or the premature termination of a contract for the supply of goods or services.
However, knowingly false reports may have legal consequences.
Receipt of a report is documented and confirmed in writing to the person making the report within seven calendar days at the latest. Every report is verified for validity. The Whistleblowing System will not follow up on reports that do not fall within the scope of the above-mentioned federal law or provide no proof of validity.
False information will be dismissed accordingly. At the whistleblower’s request, a meeting to discuss the reported Information will occur within fourteen calendar days at the latest. No later than three months after receiving a report, the Whistleblowing System will inform the whistleblower of the follow-up measures that have been/will be taken or why the report will not be pursued.