KAMPER pilgrimage to Mariazell

15 employees of KAMPER gathered for a pilgrimage to Mariazell from June 19th to 22nd 2019. The pilgrims started in the Kesselfallklamm close to Semriach and mastered 115km, +5135 and -4800 vertical metres during these four days. While hot weather conditions, blistered feet and knee problems did not make it easier, camaraderie and friendship were not missed out. The weather gods had mercy with the pilgrims and did not send rains. On Saturday around 1 pm and exhausted but very delighted, the entire team arrived in Mariazell and was greeted with a banner. Andrea Matzer, organizer of the pilgrimage: “I am proud of my comrades for they have all genuinely mastered the very strenuous long walk and that special camaraderie was forged among colleagues. In spite of all bodily exertions there was time to pause, to clear one’s mind and to refill batteries. To me, this was an incomparable experience which I shall always remember.”